Hi, my name is Jacob Varner and I am a recent Software Engineering graduate.
I am currently pursuing my MBA and MISE from Auburn University.
I enjoy Web development, racing bikes, and passionately following college basketball.
Auburn University
May 2019
Auburn University
May 2017
HTML, Sass
As soon as I was engaged, my fiance wanted our website up but I refused to let her go to one of those cheap template sites to get something inferior to what I could make and be like everyone else. However, coming up with a design and color scheme that she wanted was harder than I expected. I eventually designed something that she was happy about and didn't make me cringe too much. Then, because school had picked up at the time, it took me awhile to finally get around to the site. Finally I had had enough and set aside 6 hours to code and style the entire thing. I'm pleased with how the design and overall site turned out, especially on such a short schedule.
View Site View CodeJavaScript, jQuery
This is a simple take on the classic Hasbro Battleship game built completely using JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, and Sass. The game allowed me to get a better grasp on basic JavaScript functionality for things outside of my normal uses. Building the game helped me understand the synchronous nature of JavaScript and allowed me to figure out different ways to get around this so that key aspects of the game would work as expected.
View Site View CodeMeteor.js, Sass
Auburn Basketball Stats is a full-stack web application that I built using Meteor.js in order to keep track of Auburn basketball stats in a visually pleasing and easily accessible way. Meteor allows for live-reloading pages which made it possible to dynamically change stats for different time windows such as the last 3, 5, or 10 games. Currently, stats must be entered manually through a back-end submission form that I access, but eventually, I’d like to have the site read in the official stats that are posted after each game.
View CodeHTML, Sass, jQuery
I created an updated website for the Auburn Flyers Cycling team so that we could have a more visually pleasing website for sponsors and other supporters of the team to find. The site also has a list of current member and race results for the past seasons. For this website I wanted to focus on a modern design and try to incorporate some more advanced front-end elements using jQuery including collapsable sections for the results page.
View Site View CodeJekyll, Sass
My first time using Jekyll and I used it to build my blog that I use for sharing my thoughts and analysis on college basketball, specifically the SEC. I like to build side projects that I can continue to use and this is one that I have used the most since creating it. The Jekyll framework allows for sorting posts by category and assigning tags to the posts. For this design, I had to figure out the best way to incorporate ads into the site and try to maximize the number of posts a user would read when they visited the site each time.
View Site View CodeJekyll, Sass
This blog was created using Jekyll, one of my recent favorite frameworks, so that it could have dynamic aspects that a blog needs but can still be hosted for free through GitHub Pages. The blog is for me to post race reports and updates throughout my road racing season with the Auburn Flyers Cycling Team. The site also features collections of my results and routes around the Auburn area. I tried to use this site as an excuse to play around with a design that incorporated different colors than what I’m used to using.
View Site View CodeMeteor.js, Sass
In the process of learning Meteor.js and also needing help with deciding where I eat lunch everyday, I decided to make the little Web app to achieve both goals. The site allowed me to add restaurants that I enjoyed to a list and then each day I could randomly select one of the restaurants from the list so I wouldn’t have to think too long about my lunch plans each day.
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The Southeastern Center of Robotics Education is a new branch of the COSAM Outreach office at Auburn in partnership with the school of engineering and the school of aviation. As a new program that is aimed at educating students and teachers with modern robotics education, I felt they needed a modern website to really represent them. I used a similar design as the Auburn Flyers website on this one and still aimed to add some jQuery to a few aspects of the site so that I could get more comfortable using the framework.
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South’s BEST is the Regional Robotics Championship hosted by Auburn University where middle school and high school teams from all over the Southeast compete to see who has the best robot product that achieves any give year’s game theme. Like the War Eagle BEST site, South’s BEST was one of my earlier projects and needed to be easy to maintain since it will be updated each year and should be around even after I leave COSAM Outreach. The site is also built in Bootstrap for the same reason I chose to use Bootstrap for War Eagle BEST. Whenever I leave, my replacement will only have to have minimal Web development knowledge in order to keep the two sites running.
View Site View CodeRuby on Rails, PHP
The Jungle Times was the blog that I used to use to share my Auburn basketball thoughts and analysis. The project was originally written to learn PHP but shortly upon completion I learned how cool Ruby on Rails was and decided to re-write the site in order to learn that instead. I really enjoyed working with Ruby on Rails and hope to be able to use it in another project soon. The Jungle Times had a fully custom comments and user system as well as a “forum” like section where users could post their thoughts on whatever subject they wished.
View RoR Code View PHP CodeBootstrap
War Eagle BEST is the local BEST Robotics competition hosted by Auburn University where middle school and high school teams from all over East Alabama and West Georgia compete for a chance to advance the South’s BEST. War Eagle BEST was one of my first projects and I wanted to make sure it would be easy to maintain over the years either by myself or other people that take over my job at COSAM Outreach after graduation. Bootstrap seemed like the perfect framework to use in order to make the site usable, visually pleasing, and simple to modify going forward.
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